This category is comprised of poetry, performances, and videos I have released on my channel. The video "This is a Poem for People Who Think They can Heal Themselves" was shot and edited solely by me. I used my iPhone 6S to shoot and iMovie to edit.

This category is comprised of poetry, performances, and videos I have released on my channel. The video "This is a Poem for People Who Think They can Heal Themselves" was shot and edited solely by me. I used my iPhone 6S to shoot and iMovie to edit.

"Souls For a Quick Come-up" - Voicemail Poems, Spring 2020
Listen and read my poem featured in Voicemail Poems!

It's Not All About You (even when it is)
My friend released a quarantine zine and I was very happy to be a part of it. You can read it here.

Postcards Home: Rockford native living in NYC: ‘This is our time to reset’
Check out this interview I did with the Rockford Register Star about how Covid-19 has impacted my life in NYC.

Ode to Black Light
Read full poem here.

Poem- Black People Save the Day, Again
I am so grateful to have my work shared on the Winter Tangerine site. Read here.
The Texas Review Spring / Summer 2017
I have two pieces published in the Spring / Summer 2017 edition of the Texas Review.
A Five-Question Survey on Blackness
My poem published in the Texas Review Spring / Summer 2017 Issue
This piece is really special to me because it's the first CNF (creative non-fiction) piece I wrote for class and it was published in The Texas Review Spring / Summer 2017 Issue. Super proud of this!
Featured in Art Cult Magazine, Issue 2
"Cosmos Justified"
Featured in Art Cult Magazine, Issue 2
"This is a Poem for People Who Think They Can Heal Themselves"

I made the flyer and I was in charge of the social media efforts for the show.

Finalist for Yemassee Journal Poetry Contest
See more here.
Performing at Bringing the Noise, MLK Jr Celebration at Nourse Theater
Youth Speaks Collective Performance at Mills Art Museum
Check out the write up here.

Deshara Suggs-Joe - "I Am Not a Grasshopper, You Are Not My Master"
This video was originally released on my Youtube channel but was selected for release on Button Poetry through a video contest.

Black Girls are STRONG

This is a Poem for People Who Think They Can Heal Themselves
I made this video for my final for my digital storytelling class. I entered it into the class's final contest and it won first place. It was judged by faculty and was on display the whole summer of 2016 in my school's (California College of the Arts) library.

Word. World. 2017 | CCA MFA in Writing Thesis Presentation w/ Deshara Suggs Joe
This was the final reading for my MFA thesis.